Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thomas Jefferson~From Boy to Man

has been "revised and republished" by Palmetto Publishing!

On sale on Amazon:

A note from the author:  "I am so excited to present to you the newly revised Thomas Jefferson~From Boy to Man!  It was something I desperately needed to do since it was first published in December 2013.  The publisher I originally chose, unfortunately and to my dismay, published an unedited manuscript file and put it to print.  When I received my first shipment, I immediately started selling them at book fairs and book signings.  I never thought to re-read it, yet again, to check for any errors, as it was perfect when I approved the final draft for print. 

Weeks after receiving my first shipment, and after one large author event and numerous scheduled book signings, a family friend said to me, "Did you read your book?"  "Of course I read my book...probably 50 times!"  I grabbed the book off my shelf and started reading it from the first page... AGAIN.  I was mortified to see all the editing and publishing issues:  The publisher dropped off the first paragraph when inserting the first image. Sentences at the end of a page were not carried over to the next page, just dropped.  When inserting many of the 65 images, the sentences below that image dropped off.  Images were not placed correctly. Spell check did not "spell check."  When I re-read it, I listed 10 pages of corrections for the publisher to immediately correct.  I was in tears!

In the meantime, I had sold hundreds of books. I will never forget how a woman stood up at a talk I was giving at a country club and yelled out, "Who edited this book?"  I ignored her as "someone with an issue, as I had no idea what she was trying to imply.  After speaking with her after the signing, I was livid once I realized that the publisher had ruined my book! 

With every revision, more errors popped up.  I would re-read the corrected edition, list the pages of new errors found, send them in, and 4 weeks later receive a new copy in the mail, only to have to re-read and list more errors.  It was a total nightmare.  I became depressed working with them.  My hair thinned out over the stress.  I spent hours reading and correcting, only to find the next revised edition was still in very bad shape. They were not paying their authors their royalties because of the company's huge financial debts, and I was one of them. 

A few years later, the publisher went bankrupt. It was the worst period of my life... to have spent years researching, 16-hour days/ 7 days a week, visiting historical sites, museums, and Country Court houses around Virginia, interviewing character actors in Colonial Williamsburg, spending hours at a computer and missing family events, beautiful weather, and missed opportunities to spend with my daughters.  I wrote an amazing book about Thomas Jefferson, about an era that no Jefferson enthusiast had ever read before... his early years in detail and great depth. Once the publisher was closed down, I immediately signed up with Amazon's Create Space which later morphed into Kindle Direct Publishing, just to be able to print the book on demand for customers searching for it on Amazon. I left it there and "licked my wounds."

In early 2023, I decided that I needed to "fix my baby!"  I didn't want to die knowing that my pride and joy was not perfect. I called Palmetto Publishing in Charleston, SC, and told them of my dilemma. They immediately took on my project.  A year and a half later, the "new revised and republished edition" was released. It is beautiful! It is my pride and joy!  Together, we added approximately 10 new images, made some beautiful design changes, and corrected numerous editing mistakes.

Palmetto priced the revised book at $29.99, $6 higher than the first book.  Even though my royalty is lower than it should be, I asked Palmetto to reprice it down to $23.99, which is what it costs now.  I didn't want my readers to have to pay for all the mistakes and mishaps.  

My book is alive and well, and I am happy and sleeping well!  It is selling and I am receiving wonderful comments.  Please purchase a copy and post a review on Amazon.  Thank you so very much for your support!  Here is one of the latest unsolicited reviews by Carol V. of Charlottesville, VA.  April 30, 2024:

"Jayne, you are a superb writer! I enjoyed the simplicity and uncomplicated way you presented the history and times of Thomas Jefferson's life. It is not just another dry history book."